Welcome to

Remstertainment LLC

"Glory to Remy."







            No.NameJoin DateStatusLeave Date


            Company rules!By being a part of Remstertainment LLC, you have waived all excuses and abilities to retort back to the Founder, unless proper reasons have been provided. We will not be responsible for any technical difficulties that may occur in getting the message across.[ Last update: 16/08/24 (DD/MM/YY) ]

            1. Submissions1.1. The work required to satisfy the requirements of staying are in the form of Art Drawings.
            1.2. Minimum of only ONE, but a maximum of TWO art pieces are required for each monthly submission.¹
            1.3. Commissioned pieces are highly not recommended for submission (you are better off paying for your own Premium!).
            1.4. Art trades can be used for submissions.
            1.5. Maximum of THREE consecutive commissioned and/or art trade pieces can be submitted in a row before self-submission verification begins.²
            1.6. Reminders may be sent out to ensure you do not forget, however you are responsible for reminding yourself to submit on time.
            1.7. Your piece will be accepted if the phrase “Thanks for clocking in on time, Glory to Remy” has been heard. You will follow up with “Glory to Remy” as conclusion for this month’s transaction.
            1.8. You must submit in pieces that meets the minimum level, or you can submit anything higher than your level.
            1.9. Submitting anything higher than your current level will be acknowledged for compensation.
            1.10. Submitting earlier than the deadline, 7 days before will be acknowledged for compensation.
            1.11. You can satisfy fulfilling the level requirements by making multiple pieces of lower levels to make up for higher levels.
            1.12. You MUST submit before the timer ends. Any submission after the deadline will count as a Miss or Late Submission.
            1.13. You are eligible for skipping submissions if your position allows it.
            1.14. If you change your mind about missing a submission, you will have some time to submit to count as a half-miss, only if you are eligible.


            2. Obligations on Behalf2.1. Your fellow members may not be able to make it. You may submit in their name; however, you cannot do so freely.
            2.2. You must notify the Owner if you wish to take upon the work of other members.
            2.3. Once both sides have agreed and signed upon, you may begin developing their piece.
            2.4. You will be compensated; however, the other member will gain nothing out of this.
            2.5. Any sides can withdraw at any time, as long as whichever side agrees to break the obligation.
            2.6. No more than two obligations can coexist.
            2.7. Maximum of THREE consecutive obligations can be made before self-submission verification begins.²


            3. Consequences3.1. Exceeding the maximum Misses allowed for your position will result in losing your STAFF position and being Interviewed. You will have 24 hours to respond.
            3.2. You will have THREE chances to make up for missing the deadline.
            3.3. If the interview has been missed or using up all three chances, you will be FIRED!
            3.4. Failure to complete the other member’s piece, despite finishing yours will result in consequences for both parties.
            3.5. Failure to complete the other member’s piece, despite finishing yours will result in consequences for both parties.


            4. Security Pass & Positions4.1. Your Security Pass will determine what position you’re allowed to take.
            4.2. If your Security Pass has been upgraded, you may switch to any position you’d like as long as your level permits it.
            4.3. There will be a six-month cooldown for switching positions if your Pass has not been upgraded.
            4.4. Performance and early submissions will grant you a better chance of upgrading your Pass.


            Footer Notes1. You may only submit one piece that meets the minimum level requirements, or two pieces that is equal or greater than the minimum level requirements.
            2. Self-submission verification will require for your OWN work to be submitted. No free loading allowed!